2014-06-14 - Austin Reagan HS Speedwork

^z 13th April 2023 at 7:48am

~10 miles @ ~10.5 min/mi

In Austin Texas, 5 seconds after starting the run I realize I've forgotten to carry a water bottle (temps near 80, dew point likewise) but am too OCD to restart, so instead begin pondering where to find a drinking fountain. At alma mater (1980) Reagan High School track, do six 400m repeats (1:50 + 1:49 + 1:47 + 1:48 + 1:49 + 1:46). Young ladies call me "Sir" in answering my question about water sources (alas, there aren't any nearby). Swing out into Lane 3 to avoid older gentlemen walking the inner edge of the track. After laps, random-walk in search of a hole in the fence to escape, then ramble along Cameron Rd past car washes, convenience stores, and a pawn shop ("GET CASH FOR YOUR GUNS"). Find water at Bartholomew Park, where I drink like a camel near smoke rising from "Happy Graduation!" early morning barbecue parties. The homeward trot is via Pearce Jr High. Three circuits of the tiny track (56, 55, 52 sec with 2 min recovery walk laps) suggest it is only ~200m around. After finishing, do a bit of cooldown T'ai Chi in Mom's driveway, to the amusement of passers-by. Runkeeper is ~3% more conservative than the Garmin GPS.

^z - 2014-07-01